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SEQRE Reset Sani-Spray


Toxicity?  Not here.  Made with safe all natural ingredients.  A blended scent from Frankincense, Myrrh, Cedarwood, Patchouli, Amber, Rose Petal, and Ambrette seed oil to give it that Earthy and soft scent. 


Why we made this

We’ve got you! Made with travel and ease of carry in mind. 2.5 oz approved travel size

Research has shown that fragrances have significant and measurable effects on mood, irritation, stress, depression, apathy, happiness, sensuality, relaxation and stimulation.

Additional research finds that scent can affect how calm and alert we are, sharpen our focus, cause us to be more generous, relieve anxiety and fatigue, improve brain power, and enhance physical health. The list goes on.

- Oprah Mag


Toxicity?  Not here.  Made with safe all natural ingredients. 

A blended scent from Frankincense, Myrrh, Cedarwood, Patchouli, Amber, Rose Petal, and Ambrette seed oil to give it that Earthy and soft scent. 

How To Use

  1. Uncap this magic resetter
  2. Spray your hands 6 inches away and set an intention.
  3. Wave your hands like you just don’t care!
  4. Smile.


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Did you know?33% of Angelinos own dogs.  That’s a lot of dog poop residual on the streets and on your sneakers.  Let’s get your sneakers clean and SEQRE’D.
Keeing your things clean and tidy is good for your phsyical and mental wellbeing.
If you are a compulsive cleaner please contact us.  We’d like to hire you in our store to keep it on point :)
There is an average of 421K units of bacteria on the outside of your shoes.
That is nasty AF.  Give your damn shoes and bottom of your bag a nice wipedown.
If we smell something pleasant, our body responds by producing hormones and chemicals that tell us to rest and relax! 
Try spraying before heading into the office or before/after shaking hands.

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Monday Nov 5 2018